Monday, 6 August 2012

unexpected weekend...

So, as I said in my last post I was supposed to go out for a meal for my best friends birthday but in the end it got cancelled so I ended up going to a friends 18th birthday BBQ with my parents and had such a good weekend, so if you are thinking to yourself on a Friday evening that you are bored and never have anything to do, your luck may change right at the last minute!

It started by getting up very early on Saturday morning and having 15 minutes to get packed and ready to leave for an hours drive. Once we got there we got ready for the BBQ and got in the mood for a party. The birthday girl, her mum, my mum and me all ended up being thrown in the pool several times fully clothed and it was not at all warm! It was a really good night but everyone felt it the next morning. Once we were up and dressed on Sunday, we went to someones house who has the biggest back garden ever! There's monkeys, parrots, huge turtles and loads of different amazing animals there! We were entertained for such a long time by a simple conversation of exchanging hello's and whistles from the birds. At half past 5 that evening we went Go-Karting and it was so much fun but sadly... I lost almost every time! But hey, there's always next time to wipe the floor with them all ;) Once we got home we got the BBQ started for dinner and once again I was thrown in the pool..twice, no thanks to my mum who gave the boys permission to throw me in again (I was not amused) :(. We stayed up until about 1 playing 'Scene it' and the new 'pictionary', it was such a great laugh and I had such a great weekend.

Go-Karting. Watching the Olympics. Webcam Toy with Charlotte
Newly painted nails. Primark lip stain. 16th Birthday present
OOTD (Saturday). 18th birthday BBQ. Monkey at the house.
Now I'm at home again full of cold and being assisted with multiple cups of tea! How was your weekend? Get thrown in a pool fully clothed or was the victim in something similar?

Demi xxx

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